
4. stu 2013.

Blog Tour: Mission One of Auggie the Alien by Leah Spiegel and Megan Summers

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Book summary:
This is the humorous story of a 4th grader, seen through the eyes of a human hybrid alien child, sent to Earth to study our culture - to see if they could coexist with the humans. Auggie has to try and understand 4th graders slang, body language, and the unwritten protocols of the classroom; all in an attempt to blend in. He upsets his teacher, Mrs. Malumrector, who constantly thinks Auggie's trying to get smart with her when getting stupid with her would be counterproductive. Not only does Mrs. Malumrector not get Auggie's literal logic, nor do any of the other students in his class. That is except for Left Hand Chuck who thinks Auggie's hysterical and helps him by teaching him how to use human slang. But if Auggie truly wants to complete his mission of blending in with the other children he needs to cheer for both teams, except if they're losing. He needs to learn not to wear the 'P and the J' with the feet conveniently attached to school because they're for sleeping in only. That ironically enough, Grandpa isn't going to faint from low blood pressure even though his eyes often tend to roll upwards whenever Auggie is speaking. 'Pop-a-Squat' isn't a good name for a dog, even though he's great at it. And under no circumstance is he to bring his pet to school even if his teacher has her own pet there, Emily, another student in his class who is neither a gerbil nor a fish.
         I don't read middle grade books that often but every time I do they remind me why I love reading so much. It's always great to see how nicely authors wrap some really important life lessons under the cloak of silly children games and humor. Leah and Megan did just that here.

         This is a story about Auggie, our little alien boy. His planet is in danger and people are seeking for a new planet to live on. During their advanced searches they found that Earth is perfect for their needs, so they decide to send Auggie on a mission. His tasks are pretty simple:

  1.  "sleep over" - the goal is to get invited by one buddy to a sleep over
  2.  "social outing" - he needs to be invited by more than one buddy for a social outing
  3.  "birthday party" - simply he must be invited to one birthday party

While it all seems easy enough, things get complicated easily. Especially when Auggie needs to follow so many complicated rules, which his classes didn't cover.

          Not only this story learns how hard it is to fit in (whether you're a human or alien for that matter), but in Auggie's humorous voice you will laugh and enjoy his every moment on Earth. His English might be profound and on a high level, but understanding slang is like unsolvable mystery to him. By the way, why cannot we wear PJs to school. Lame rule if you ask me.

          This is a story that will keep you turn pages with a huge smile on your face. You'll enjoy Auggie and his lovely character. It only takes few hours for you to read this but you'll be entertained and happy all day long.

Rating: 5 stars

About the authors
Although we moved down to North Carolina several years ago, we're originally from the Pittsburgh area. (That's why a lot of our characters either live in the Burgh or reference our hometown football team, The Pittsburgh Steelers.) And yes, we even have the Southern accents to show for it now. Although Megan's is considerable thicker, Leah still can't understand the locals.
We are known as 'the sisters' among our neighborhood; when actually we're probably reallyknown as 'the sisters with the Yorkies'. Our pups, Skippy Jon Jones and Captain Jack Sparrow, were given long names to compensate for their small size but not their large personalities.
If Leah's not glued to her electronic devices, AKA her Kindle Fire and various laptops, you can find her training 'the attack dogs', running on the treadmill while conceiving the next great book idea with the Dave Matthews Band, Muse, Florence and the Machine, Lorde, The Lumineers, and Pink (just to name a few) blaring out of her earphones.

If Megan's not glued to her electronic devices AKA her iPad and Nook Color, you can find her teaching fourth graders, swimming marathon style at the pool, or cuddling with 'the attack dogs' as she watches Duck Dynasty, Gold Rush, Scandal, Person of Interest, Morning Joe, etc.
Leah graduated from Edinboro University with a BA in Art Education. Megan received her teaching degree from Edinboro University and Masters in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Technology from Grand Canyon University.

Until the next time, crocodile

33 komentara:

  1. This sounds like an adorable read!

  2. Cute! I don't read a lot of MG anymore, but my son is really getting into it. Glad you enjoyed!

    1. I hope your son will read this one then. Thanks :)

  3. I have a feeling I would like this so much! I don't read much MG... so rarely, in fact, that I don't remember the last one, but this seems to be a story my kid will want in just a couple of years, so of course I need to read it first. :D
    Ah, excuses, excuses. Fabulous review. :)

    1. It's really nice to get back to MG after all this time, really :) It was so cute that I had to enjoy it. LOL You shall read it Maja ;) Thanks :)

  4. Aww this one sounds so sweet! I wasn't a huge fan of these author's works but I think I may be willing to give this a try!

    Lovely review, Tanja! <33

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try. You'll enjoy Auggie. Thanks :)

  5. Aw, this sounds like a super cute and funny read. I myself am not a huge MG readers but you're right- it's really admirable how an author can write a good story and have a lesson behind it. I'm glad you enjoyed this so much that you gave it full five stars. Awesome review, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I just hope that the kids will learn this lesson :) Thanks Sarika :)

  6. Oh this sounds adorable and I love that it is told from the alien's pov. Too cute!

  7. *Looks at cover*
    *Dies of adorableness*

    Awww! I love books like these that make you smile. MG novels might appear silly, but they certainly do hide some important lessons in them. I haven't read a MG novel since I was middle grader, but I think I need to read some from time to time.
    Lovely review, Tanja! I'm glad that this book brought a smile to your face. :)

    1. Certainly! Especially this one, I mean Auggie might be an alien but we all are when we enter new school or some society. Thanks Nick :)

  8. aww so cute!! I don't read Middle-grade as often as I would like either, but I will soon. I do like the little lessons behind them and it helps if I am going to buy them for my niece heh.

    1. Mostly it's hard to find them here and that's the problem. I hope you'll enjoy this one Lily :)

  9. This sounds so absurdly cute Tanja! And look at little Auggie on the cover, I love him already. This is definitely going on my list to recommend to nieces and cousins who are starting to get really into reading, it just sounds too adorable to not pass on to them!

    1. He has the best P&Js ever!! :) I hope they'll love it and I'm sure they will enjoy so many funny, everyday moments. Thanks Jenny :)

  10. Tanja, this sounds adorable! I have to admit, I read mostly YA, but I love love love middle grade books when they're done well. I'm much pickier about them, though, so I'm always on the lookout for ones that friends recommend. Thank you for your lovely review! Definitely need to check this out.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. I do read YA mostly, but I enjoy good MG from time to time :) I really hope you'll enjoy this one. It's really short and adorable read :)

  11. I haven't heard of this one, but glad you enjoyed

  12. Wow! five stars... this does sound like a fun little read I am certain there will be plenty of giggling as kids watch him try to decipher slang and figure out things like why you can't wear pajamas to school,. I agree lame rule! I will add this to my kids' pinboard! Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. I really believe your kids will enjoy Auggie! :) Thanks Heidi :)

  13. I don't read many middle books either, but this sounds really fun and cute :) Great review!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  14. This sounds adorable! I love the sound of it; thanks for sharing. I wish you could wear PJs to school too. lol

    1. Yeah I don't think my professors would appreciate that :D Thanks Mag :)

  15. This one sounds adorable! I love middle grade books, but they need to have fantasy or humor for me to really love them and this sounds like a total win!

    1. This one has both :) I hope you'll get to read it Candace :)

  16. As always, you rock:) Thanks Tanja for the review!

  17. Thanks for taking part in the tour. I'm so glad you loved Mission One of Auggie the Alien!

  18. Aww I love a good middle grade and this sounds absolutely charming! I think it will be fun (and funny) to see Auggie try to fit into human life. I'll have to check this one out. Thanks for sharing!
