6. sij 2014.

ARC Review: The Almost Girl by Amalie Howard

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Book summary:
Seventeen-year-old Riven is as tough as they come. But coming from a world ravaged by a devastating android war, she has to be. There’s no room for softness, no room for emotion, no room for mistakes. A Legion General, she is the right hand of the young Prince of Neospes, a parallel universe to Earth. In Neospes, she has everything: rank, responsibility and respect. But when Prince Cale sends her away to find his long-lost brother, Caden, who has been spirited back to modern day Earth, Riven finds herself in uncharted territory.

Thrown out of her comfort zone but with the mindset of a soldier, Riven has to learn how to be a girl in a realm that is the opposite of what she knows.  Riven isn’t prepared for the beauty of a world that is unlike her own in so many ways. Nor is she prepared to feel something more than indifference for the very target she seeks. Caden is nothing like Cale, but he makes something in her come alive, igniting a spark deep down that goes against every cell in her body. For the first time in her life, Riven isn’t sure about her purpose, about her calling. Torn between duty and desire, she must decide whether Caden is simply a target or whether he is something more.

Faced with hideous reanimated Vector soldiers from her own world with agendas of their own, as well as an unexpected reunion with a sister who despises her, it is a race against time to bring Caden back to Neospes. But things aren’t always as they seem, and Riven will have to search for truth. Family betrayals and royal coups are only the tip of the iceberg. Will Riven be able to find the strength to defy her very nature? Or will she become the monstrous soldier she was designed to be?
         Recently almost all dystopian novels that I've read had something in common. That is the reality of the story which at the same time thrills me because of all the ideas and scares the hell out of me because of the possibility of these ideas coming true. This one is no exception.

         Parallel universes have been something that's been fairly popular nowadays and the story here is based on that. Parallel with out world is another world called Neospes, but that universe is way ahead of us when it comes to technology. Their is so advanced that androids are part of the human world and after the android war this universe is in troubles. The only way to save it to secure the monarchy and the only way to do it to go into our world and find Caden. That mission is one that Riven's assigned to and as the best fighter in her world she is not familiar with failure. For the first time she is thrown into unknown and she must fight something she is not familiar with.

        The whole idea of a world where technology is so advanced fascinated me so much, the way the technology became a part of people and with everything going on today it's something that doesn't seem that unbelievable. Riven, our main character here is neatly characterized. She is trained fighter and with some other things about her it's so interesting to see how she adopts to our world and most of all to emotions. Not only those towards Caden, but other people as well. Then there is Caden, a boy that's easy to fall for. Basically this has got everything I could ask for.

        Probably the only thing that I wished was more developed was the past of Neospes. I'm still really curious about it. Was it once as ours is now? I hope I'll find my answers in the next book.

Rating: 4.5 stars.

Until the next time,
***NOTE: Copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher, Strange Chemistry. Thank you! 
I'm not paid for writing this review - I do it as a lover of written word. All opinions are personal!

Broj komentara: 45:

  1. I'm really like books with parallel worlds, so The Almost Girl sounds great! Caden sounds like the perfect guy and the technology aspect does sound fascinating, especially with how much technology we currently use. Awesome review :)

  2. I agree with you about dystopians, when they are too realistic it can be pretty scary!

    This sounds like it was awesome, great review!

  3. That's great you really liked this one! It sounds like you'll learn more in the second novel, but at least you weren't left with TOO many questions.

  4. Awesome review sweetie! I'm just like you, these kind of stories fascinate me and scare me, but even tho I can get pretty freaked out by the possibility of these scenarios coming true, I just can't stay away! I love Sci Fi premises, especially when they involve parallel universes, time travel or space o_o Call me a junkie! I'll definitely be checking out this book, so thanks for putting it on my radar <3

    Also, if you like stories about time-travel, I highly recommend Ann Brashares upcoming novel, THE HERE AND NOW, it was really good, tho not your typical Sci Fi read for sure (and it's a stand-alone, if I'm correct!)

    Evie @Bookish

    1. Yes it's terrifying but at the same time fascinating. I haven't heard of that one but I'll check it out. Thanks Evie :) Hugs!

  5. I'm always very picky when it comes to world-building details, but this one sounds like a winner despite that. I love a good sci-fi novel, so thanks for putting this one on my radar, Tanja! I'll have to check it out for sure!(:

  6. I haven't even seen this book before. I'm so glad there's more books with a parallel universe theme. I hope to pick this one up.
    Giselle @ Book Nerd Canada

  7. I like stories with parallel universes too. And I'm glad the technology was fascinating for you.
    Nice review, Tanja!

    1. I hope you'll get to read this one then. Thanks Andrea :)

  8. This has a pretty great cover! I haven't read a ton of the parallel universe books, though I know they are popular (and I have several) but it's good to hear that this one is a winner. It sounds fascinating!

    1. Yeah the cover is great, especially its connected with the story. Hope you'll get to read this one. :)

  9. I can't wait to start this book! I have a copy for review, but I haven't had the chance to sit down and read it :) Great review Tanja! I'm now more excited to start it once I finish the book I'm currently reading.

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  10. I do hope all your questions will be answered:) Also, I think you're right when you say that you can imagine this in our world. People are so dependent on technology that it isn't so far off. I do love a good dystopian and what with having finished The Darkest Minds last night and loved it, I really want to start reading more dystopians again. I had given up hope a while back, but Blood Red Road and TDM really put me into a different mindset. I hope you enjoy the sequel that follows this promising book with a gorgeous cover:) Lovely review, sweets!

    1. I think that something like this is not that far away. I mean just remember life 10 years ago. I hope you'll get to read this one too. Thanks dear :)

  11. I love the idea of parallel universes, and this sounds intriguing! I had rather mixed reactions to this author's first novel, but I think this is from a bigger press and the story sounds more complex. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Tanja.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. I haven't read any other book by this author so I cannot judge. Hopefully you'll get to read this one. Thanks Wendy :)

  12. I read a book from this author, the one about sea creatures, and really didn't like it, which is why I didn't bother with The Almost Girl. Although it sounds fascinating with it's world, I'm not sure I'll enjoy it because I dislike parallel universe stories. The few I've read have been mediocre and complicated to understand. Great review, Tanja! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    1. Yeah many people dislike that one. I don't think I'll read it. Too bad, but well then it's not for you. Thanks Nick :)

  13. I have trouble with dystopian's lately. They have never been my genre I've always liked. I enjoy when they try and connect with modern society in a sense that you can the advances of it possibly coming true. This one certainly does that. I'm glad you enjoyed this one Tanja. :)

    1. I feel the same about contemorary lately. Thanks Emma :)

  14. I do love the concept of parallel universes. This sounds really different and interesting!

  15. First off, I adore this cover. Her books always have absolutely stunning covers and this one is clearly no exception. Second, sign me up for a story about parallel worlds with a romance mixed in! Sounds like this book has everything I could ask for as well. Fantastic review Tanja!

    1. The cover is truly great! Then this one is just for you Jenny ;) Thanks :)

  16. The cover and synopsis are really interesting and parallel world books are awesome if they are done correctly. Sounds like this one is one to watch out for!

  17. Overall I did enjoy this one, but did end up skimming some.

  18. Dude, my phone talks to me! We have like, actual conversations! The idea of even more technology in our lives is hardly far-fetched. Plus, I enjoy parallel universes ever since Unraveling. I'm sure this book and I will get along just fine.
    Great review.

    1. Yeah I know! It's all going crazy. I hope you'll get to read it Maja. Thanks :)

  19. Parallel Universes! We need more books like this. There seems to be so much going on with this story. I don't know if I would find androids and all those things believable because of what is happening today. It seems so far away to get to that type of technology. That's why books are so wonderful - they make us dream of the future.

    1. Yes they're so fascinating cause we have no idea what's going on in this universe of ours. True story :)

  20. Some dystopian books have frightened me as well, Tanja if the future they paint is something that could actually happen, it is frightening! Wonderful review! :)

  21. Yes this is by Strange Chemistry and somehow they never disappoint :) Hope you'll get to read it :)

  22. This sounds like such a cool story! Androids and parallel universes and romance? I definitely need to read this one! I think I'm going to like Riven and Caden, and I am thrilled to hear the world is believable in spite of being incredibly advanced. That always makes me enjoy dystopians more. Great review!

  23. So good to know that this doesn't follow the regular dystopian theme and is a refreshing read. A fighter character sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing, Tanja and great review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts



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